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Testing & Validation

At Swift, all products are thoroughly checked, from materials to procedures.


We ensure that our customers get a high-quality functional product meeting any relevant safety standards.

Environmental Testing Chamber

Swift can perform “in-house” testing to ensure the products we supply to you will withstand the demanding level of environmental testing you require.

Such testing includes:

» High and Low Temperature testing.
» Temperature Shock testing.
» Humidity Testing.
» Long-Term Repetitive Cycle Testing.


Salt Spray Testing

Swift can perform Salt Spray and Chemical Spray testing to your specifications.

We can apply repeatedly over time and with consistency the required amount of substance to your product, to gauge the effect, seek the cause and aid to the development of a solution.

Harness Loom Testing

Every Harness and Adaptor Cable that Swift produces is tested 100% to ensure it works first time, every time.

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